How to Plant a Kiwi Plant From Seed

Kiwi is a seasonal fruit that is often used as a topping in salads and pies. It has a unique flavor that sets it apart from all other fruits. The fruit is oval and covered with brown, slightly hairy and textured skin. Where did this interesting fruit come from? Do kiwis grow on trees? Let’s find out!

This fruit is a great source of minerals, fiber and vitamins. One medium kiwi contains nearly 90 mg of vitamin C. The fruit can also help treat conditions like asthma, boost immunity, prevent nausea and indigestion, and has many such health benefits.

Phytopathologists describe the tree as a typical perennial with a trunk and branches at the top. A vine, by contrast, is a plant that typically grows on top of another structure, usually with specialized stems anchored to or wrapped around another material.

1 – Prepare the kiwi seeds

Scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
There’s always a little meat, and that’s okay.
You can slightly shred the pulp with a fork to make this step easier.
There is no need to remove the pulp from the kiwi unless you want to keep the seeds for planting at a later date.

Separate the pulp from the chia seeds

To keep the seeds longer than a few days, you’ll need to remove the pulp (or you’ll have to deal with mold).

  • In a bowl filled with water, combine the hollowed out seeds with the pulp.
  • Puree the pulp and seeds with a whisk. The seeds and pulp will separate. It won’t take more than a minute.
  • The seeds are heavy and will fall off. Carefully pour off the water with floating pulp.
  • Add fresh water if necessary and repeat the process.
  • Dry the seeds on a piece of cardboard or newspaper.
  • This also works in a blender, but don’t blend too fast or you’ll damage most of the seeds. Or, if you have a sieve but no whisk, press the pulp over the sieve: the seeds will stay behind.

2 – Sow the kiwi seeds in a tray

Prepare your soil mixture: Sift to remove lumps and break into fine pieces. You can also grind a piece of charcoal into the mixture if you can. This prevents damping.

Pour this soil mixture over a bed of clay pebbles in a tray or wide container. You can also drill holes in the bottom of the tray. It is important that it drains well so that the soil does not stay soggy if you water too much.
Sprinkle the seeds with the pulp over the soil mixture. After removing the pulp, sprinkle it around. If not, spread the stain as much as possible.

Spray the seed and soil mixture with a small hand spray. Check with your finger to see if the bottom is moist.
Don’t let it get too mushy. A good way to do this is to spray the handheld sprayer several times, then wait a few minutes. Repeat until moisture seeps into the floor. Afterwards, check on your prospective seedlings in the morning and evening, and spray again when needed.

3 – Transplant the most vigorous ones to nursery pots

Seedlings will sprout profusely!

  • Have them fight each other from the start.
  • In a week or so, some of them will begin to grow “true” leaves.
  • When the seedlings have 4 true leaves, you can select the strongest and transplant them into individual seed pots.
  • Try to get at least two dozen seedlings up and running. Some people may die, and you’ll need at least 15 or more survivors at the end.

4 – When ready, plant in the open!

Most kiwifruit varieties require both male and female plants to set fruit. They are dioecious. At first it was impossible to tell which was which: only the flowers were different.

Let your seedlings grow to about 25-30 cm tall in the nursery pot. In the meantime, when you notice roots sticking out from underneath, transplant to a larger pot.

When they grow to nearly 30 cm and grow about 8 pairs of good leaves, they can be planted in the ground.

It’s best to do this in the fall. Overwinter them with mulch etc. to protect them from the cold.
It’s also possible to transplant them in spring, but you’ll need to work hard on watering throughout the first summer.
Place the seedlings in their final location, along a sturdy trellis or on the posts of a pergola.
We recommend planting three or four of them together.

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